The sum of the currents delivered by the 4 channels must not exceed 30A (720W at 24V), not to pass the limits imposed by the input connectors.
720Watt correspond to 50 meters of 14.4W/m LED stripes, or 100 meters of 7.2 W/m LED stripes.
The device is equipped with electric fuses so the operation can be suspended if the current exceed the threshold limit set in ETS.
Its main feature is to work with an external power supply whose output voltage can be chosen according to the length of the LED stripes installed.
As the output voltage corresponds to the input voltage, the device che be arranged to work with either 12V or 24V LED stripes, simply changing the power supply.
The module is equipped with special, automotive-type input screw connectors, able to accept up to 30A, while the output connectors are high-current Molex units pre-set with terminals suitable for direct welding on to the LED stripe (up to 9A for single model fitted on the channels 1 and 2, and up to 18 A for twin model fitted on the channels 3 and 4).
ETS Data
Outputs parametrized individually.
Brightness control using 4 bit objects (DT3 incremental method) and 1 Byte objects (DT5 brightenss percentage).
Switch function using 1 bit objects (DT1 on off).
Status notification.
Brightness value restored from the previous status.
Mode of operation RGBW with synchronized channels.
Timed management of the channel transition.
24 programmable scenarios with execution in sequence of colored transitions using the order of the scenarios, or exploiting random sequence.