BX-DM03 is a 4-channels dimmer actuator for LED lamps with current-mode control, designed to work with the KNX bus.
The channels can be programmed to work independently with white lamps or can be synchronized to drive the color of a RGB / RGBW lamp.
Its main feature is to work with an external power supply that can be chosen according to the needed applied power.
Each channel can be programmed via dip switches to supply the current for the type of lamp installed in accordance with the predetermined standard values: 350mA, 700mA and 1000mA.
ETS Data
Outputs parametrized individually.
Brightness control using 4 bit objects (DT3 incremental method) and 1 Byte objects (DT5 brightenss percentage).
Switch function using 1 bit objects (DT1 on off).
Status notification.
Brightness value restored from the previous status.
Mode of operation RGBW with channels synchronized.
Timed management of the channel transition.
24 programmable scenarios with execution in sequence of colored transitions using the order of the scenarios, or exploiting random sequence.