Measurement of current is performed losslessly via extern current sensors. Three current sensors, which are calibrated and delivered with the smartmeter, are qualified for direct installation at the power supply feed-in. Currents can be measured from 2mA to 85A per phase, voltages from 0 to 460VAC. Measurement range for active power is from 0.5W to 19550W or 58650W for 3-phase systems, respectively. All energy and measurement values are further stored as text data on a SD-card for further data analysis.
ETS application features beside special functions for load dependent load control, optimizing the self energy consumption with solar collectors, calculation of electricity costs with tariff changeover, prevention of overloads several functions for supervision. These functions trigger events like a lack of phase voltage, high harmonic distortion, high consumption of reactive energy, high unbalanced load or high zero system current at the bus, when given limits are exceeded. For investigation of power supply quality the spectrum is analyzed up to the 50th harmonic for current and voltage. Severals supervision functions provide an analysis of power supply loss, failures and damages of electrical consumers caused by the power supply with a precise point of time.