Gas-LoRa Ultrasonic Smart Meter V2 G-2.5
Gas-LoRa Ultrasonic Smart Meter V2 G-2.5 is an ultrasonic gas meter (therefore with low insertion loss) based on LoRaWAN technology. The Smart Meter is ideal for prepaid gas supply services (Pay per Use). Thanks to the Gas-LoRa shut-off valve Ultrasonic Smart Meter can interrupt the gas supply. The Ultrasonic Smart Meter allows monitoring of the achievement of the maximum budget foreseen or of anomalous data (possible losses). Gas-LoRa is the ideal device also for Building Automation systems where hourly consumption monitoring is required. Gas-LoRa Ultrasonic Smart Meter is mainly suitable for charge control of natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, biogas and other gases with working pressure of 0.5-20kPa. This product complies with the GB/T 39841-2021 standard.