EIB / KNX Temperature Control Panel

GVS EIB / KNX Termostato Touch CHTC-86/01.1.11


Temperature control panel is a device to control indoor temperature .It adjust the room temperature and relative humidity according to the measured temperature and relative humidity, generally implemented by controlling indoor temperature controller and fan coil actuator one the bus.

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block Esaurito
295,00 €
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5-7gg lavorativi


Temperature control panel mainly used in building control systems and installed with EIB / KNX bus and other devices together as a system. It’s connected directly to the terminal via the EIB bus, no need of additional power supply.

Main function summarized as below:

 Capacitive touch buttons, LCD display  

 Selected internal and external temperature sensor  

 Basic and additional heating and cooling temperature control function

 Relative and absolute room temperature adjustment function

 Variety of  temperature control mode, continuous PI control, switching PI control and on-off control 

 With PI parameters self-tuning and manual tuning two kinds of control modes

 Timing room temperature control switch mode and transmit data function

 Manual and automatic three-speed fan control

 Temperature and humidity threshold function

 Logical function

 Three way binary input for controlling the switching, dimming, curtains and scenes; one for external NTC thermistor temperature sensor input

: CHTC-86/01.1.11
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